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Artist Name: Vicky Horiati

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Artist Bio: Vicky Horiati born in Athens,Greece ,where she lives and works. For her, painting is a way to express colours,images,forms, thoughts and dreams,in an effort to trace her inner world. Last years she also works with computers,starting to create digital images.

"Artist go home"

An Artist has no boss. He or she is absolutely free, true to and devoted to their Art. The result of an Artist's work is direct, honest and purposeful. It's always available and it's an offer for ever, even if it will be never be sold. An Artist researches, studies, spends money and works by him or her self to do this. The product of Art work unfortunately is not the kind of product such as electrical machines or medicine. Fortunately, it's not either the kind of product such as machine guns. An Artist has no clients and can not be a dealer. He or she always hopes for sponsors and friends of the Arts, for this support enables Artists to do what they know best how to do.